
Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Sei Bella Skin Whitening Cream

I have tried many night creams and I got satisfactory results. Few days back I got a chance to try Sei Bella Skin Whitening Cream. I dont use night creams regularly but this company claims that use this and gets desire good results. It also claims no side effect of this cream on your skin. I started using this cream from 26 December 2017 and after 2 days use I feel a brightness on my skin. After 2 weeks regular use I am able to write honest review on this cream.

A well balanced de-pigmentation care formula which helps to lighten the skin and improve its condition.

Sei Bella Skin Lightening Cream
Effective for:
- Skin Whitening within 7 Days
- Best Against Acne
- Improve the Skin condition and Repellent against the Wrinkles
- Stop the Development of the Black Heads
- Best for every type of Skin either a female (sensitive) or Male (hard).

How to Use:
- Apply a crystal layer on your skin means do not apply the quantity of cream on your face or applicable part, Just apply an amount that make a layer on skin and massage for 10 seconds. It will absorb on your skin and will give you the clear look. For Best Results, apply after the Cleansing in the night only.

- Apply all the appearing parts of the body especially face to neck and hands that appears to every one. When you get the fair result and your skin become clear use it after alternative day, or after 2 alternative days. With this you will get the good results and your skin tone will not change.

My Personal Experience:
I got fair and bright skin after 2 weeks regular use.
I will definitely buy it again.

Note: Price is 400 for one pack and 100 Rs the delivery to all over Pakistan.
On 2 or More packs, Delivery will be free in all over Pakistan
For Order Call or WhatsApp: +92

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