
Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Hands & Feet Care – Olive Whitening Lotion

Today I am sharing my winter hands & feet care with you guys. In winter we all face dryness on hands & feet. I always tried new products to get best result. I have heard a lot about Olive Whitening Lotion so decided to try this. I got his lotion bottle of 200 ML in Rs. 200 from general store. Its deep moisturizing lotion with olive and cow milk.

-          Olive Whitening Lotion 200 ML  Rs. 200
-          Aloe Vera Gel – 2 table spoon RS. 170 Bottle Price
-          20 Whitening capsules Rs. 5 each (I got mine in Rs. 2 each)
-          Janssen Whitening Injection – 2  Rs. 130 each

I got all products from reliable place. Make sure that products are original. Mix all products in a bowel and then store in lotion bottle. For best results make sure to mix all in open bowel so that all ingredients mixed in a well way. Apply it on hand and feet in day and night time for best results.

My thought:
Its effective for hand & feet care.
It gives whitening effect too.
It gives spotless skin.
For best result use it for atleast two months regular.
It adds glow.
It smells good.
Its easily available.
You will get smooth and fairer hands and feet within a week. ;)
I am using it on regular basis.

May Be you Don't Like It:
Olive Whitening Lotion leaves skin dry if you won't add whitening capsules.
Its not easy to blend it.
It leaves skin white which gives fake look.

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All the pictures are taken by me. 


  1. I have that aloe vera and its amazing! I must try this lotion asap!


  2. Amazing post, that product looks great. :)

  3. гель алое обожаю и часто его использую

  4. I follow your blog - it's great place! :)

  5. Really great products!
    Thanks for your commen in my blog, I follow you back, i'm the #2028 follower :)

  6. Amazing post! Follow you too ✨

  7. awesome review!
    Follow for follow? please let me know in my blog

  8. Thanks for your review! :)
    Have a nice day! xx

    Visit me at:
    Shoot for the stars

  9. Aloe vera looks amazing:) Thanks for your visit..Im following you back:)

  10. Looks interesting!
    xoxo Mon

  11. I just love every single thing which whitens the skin ☃ ❄

    Blog de la Licorne

  12. This products looks so wonderful!
    Merry Christmas and happy New year!

  13. I've seen all the effective skin whitening lotion in the Philippines so far, but this is rather new to me. How did you like this product? Is it available globally?


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